David Sarnacki is one of the top divorce lawyers in Michigan. 

Divorce doesn’t have to be a bad word. Yes, it starts with the end – the death of a particular dream, the sometimes-jarring reframing of expectations. But it can also bring with it a bright new beginning – a fresh start, complete with a clean slate and a big blue sky above. That is how David Sarnacki, one of Michigan’s finest and busiest divorce and family law attorneys, thinks of it.

It’s the nature of the work: Sarnacki connects with clients who are oftentimes going through the most challenging, emotional, and complex times of their lives. Divorce is said to be one of the most painful and grief-filled times in one's adult life and Sarnacki takes pride in the pivotal role he plays supporting his clients in Michigan.

“I’ve been called a “Collaborative Warrior,” which I like,” says Sarnacki. “A warrior wise enough to know when and how to exert power to remove an obstacle. A problem solver who works well with others to make workable solutions actually work, well into the future.”

Sarnacki will fight like hell for his clients, but the strategic advocate holds an awareness too that their needs might vary. At times it’s important to get as much as possible out of the break financially, and Sarnacki knows just how to do that. Other times, it’s about a swift and easeful transition from the end of the marriage to the start of a brand-new life.

Effective advocacy for Sarnacki is all about continual listening, relentless fighting and a keen awareness as to when an olive branch can be more effective than a fist. Whether the goal is to make it fast, or to make it hurt – Sarnacki has the legal acumen, and versatile skill set to get his clients to their goal as quickly and as best as anyone can. This deep understanding of his clients’ needs, and limber flexibility has helped Sarnacki build one of the top divorce practices in all of Michigan.

“We really care about our clients, and it seems obvious, but unfortunately, not everyone has that attitude going into their legal work and representation,” says Sarnacki. “We are helping good people in a bad situation, who are sometimes not operating at their best level and need support. Our aim is to help them in the immediate situation and also in the long term.”

Michigan’s Finest

Sarnacki has been celebrated at the top of his field for decades. A popular commentator on family law, mediation, and trial advocacy, Sarnacki has served on the faculties of the National Institute of Trial Advocacy (NITA) at Hofstra University School of Law, the U.S. Attorney General’s Advocacy Institute, and Davenport University. Sarnacki is noted as a member of the “Nation’s Top One Percent” by the National Association of Distinguished Counsel. A frequent speaker for the Institute for Continuing Legal Education, Sarnacki has concentrated his practice on courtroom advocacy and dispute resolution on myriad matters including discretely handling high-conflict custody battles and high-asset divorces.

Sarnacki’s journey in law has been rich and textured – he’s a tough and experienced trial lawyer with a background as an Assistant U.S. Attorney. He’s seen the inside of a courtroom more than most. That experience has offered Sarnacki insight as to how to optimally use the law as a tool to yield the absolute best results for his clients.

Back in the 1980s, Sarnacki started in the U.S. Attorney’s office in Madison, Wis., where his job entailed “a whole lot of litigation.” It was a different time in those days, everything went to trial – and luckily so for the young attorney, who got to cut his teeth in the courtroom. As a result, Sarnacki is a tenacious and seasoned trial lawyer – something that can truly only come from real experience.

Family law does not need to be traumatizing. I seek to lower the temperature enough to find common ground and a resolution both sides can live with.

“Everything was litigation. There really wasn't much alternative dispute resolution or mediation at that time,” says Sarnacki. “From there, I went to Miller Johnson, a large firm in Grand Rapids, and we started to do mediations and arbitrations.”

It was at Miller Johnson where Sarnacki started his practice in divorce law. A few partners who had been handling that practice at the firm left, and suddenly there was a very open space for Sarnacki to fill. He jumped in, not knowing that this move would carry with it a heft with career-shaping impact.

It wasn’t long after dipping a toe in divorce and family law, that Sarnacki was hooked. He was blown away at the impact he felt almost immediately. The encouragement fueled him to continue.

“I got such favorable comments and feedback from both clients and partners,” says Sarnacki. “So, I did more and more, and when someone else left the firm, I started doing family law, exclusively.”

The highly skilled lawyer never looked back. When Sarnacki and his trusted assistant set out on their own to open up Sarnacki Law, their focus was primarily set on family law and divorce. The firm’s mission was clear – “We're just trying to help good people get their lives situated and move on in a healthy way,” says Sarnacki.

Sarnacki accepting a pro bono service award from Legal Aid of Western Michigan.

The Cookie Doesn’t Just Crumble…

Sarnacki comes to the table with nearly 40 years of trial, alternative dispute resolution, and mediation experience. While no one can ever guarantee results, Sarnacki can guarantee he’s focused on fostering healthy partnerships with clients and has a devotion to creating solutions to the unique problems that arise in divorce. There is no one-size-fits-all in this line of work; as human beings are complex characters, so too are divorce proceedings.

In a recent sizeable case, a large, big-name firm was representing a doctor against his wife – Sarnacki’s client. The firm had deep pockets and a big reach, and their doctor client expected to easily walk all over Sarnacki and his client.

The firm failed to make the anticipated gains, so the doctor hired another mammoth firm – believing his endless bankroll would be the solution.

“Once again, it didn't work, right from the start,” says Sarnacki. “We fight for our clients, we are creative problem-solvers, and if we have to go to court, we advocate fiercely to get the outcome our clients deserve.”

The doctor was not getting the results he expected. So he a tried a third time, with another colossal firm… only to find the same staunch resistance and steadfastness from Sarnacki, who couldn’t be muscled out.

The Cookie is Cut

Clients and their counsel must be clear about what a win looks like for them within the context of the divorce; they must work together to define success. The highly skilled Sarnacki first looks for ways to de-escalate any stress. Then he can discern what a fair solution might look like, and help the parties walk away with their assets and integrity intact.

“Family law does not need to be traumatizing,” says Sarnacki. “My job is to get my clients everything they are entitled to, while minimizing their pain. I seek to lower the temperature enough to find common ground and a resolution both sides can live with.”

When money and children are involved, emotional challenges are inevitable. I help work through them quickly and empathetically, so you can move to the next phase of your life in a strong, secure, and confident position.

Ex-spouses need to find a way to communicate and ultimately work together through proceedings, even when it’s contentious. This is especially true when there are children in the mix. But kids or no kids, blowing things up is never the answer. Certain exes may feel like it’s the only option – but it’s not. Sarnacki can help with that too.

When a union comes to an end, there needs to be a division of assets. A family lawyer who knows the metrics of the business and can assess the probable result works to ensure their clients get the best results possible within those parameters. Holding out for the moon, blowing things up, picking a fight only work in movies. In real life, Sarnacki guides clients through the chaos to their best result.

A win can be very different for a client who wants to celebrate holidays or family events together for the benefit of the children. So, for Sarnacki, having a holistic view of the big picture is paramount in articulating what a win looks like in any given case. 

“When money and children are involved, emotional challenges are inevitable,” says Sarnacki. “I help work through them quickly and empathetically, so you can move to the next phase of your life in a strong, secure, and confident position.”

It helps his practice too that Sarnacki is also a popular family law mediator. His reputation precedes him across the Michigan legal community. He’s known as someone who works hard to make sure he knows the facts, files, and folks involved – and also has the insight, expertise and integrity to find common ground.

The Extra Mile

Sarnacki is very aware that he’s in a business that can’t help but be personal. He works hard to stay attentive to his clients’ professional and personal needs – when it comes to family law and specifically divorce, the two are often deeply entwined.

Sarnacki is committed to creating solutions to the unique problems that arise in divorce.

In a recent case, Sarnacki’s client disclosed some troubling information – she had been having suicidal thoughts. It was a wake-up call for Sarnacki, who realized he needed to find a way to protect this fragile young woman’s mental health throughout the proceedings.

“That's where we redoubled our efforts with her,” says Sarnacki. “That was a clue – highlighting that this person needs more time and attention to get past this problem.”

Sarnacki can empathize. It can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you’re in the dark middle of it. His work goes beyond simply dealing with the legalities of the situation; he’s managing the human aspect too. With care, attention, and empathy, Sarnacki helped to illuminate the way for that client to move past the despair and on to the rest of her life.

“She's in a terrific situation now,” says Sarnacki. “She's moved on and is in a wonderful long-term marriage with her present husband and some great kids. I see her every couple of years.”


Divorce cases don’t really end once the divorce is finalized. There are often enforceability issues and communication consulting that follows – and of course the personal relationships don’t disappear. Sarnacki prides himself in his ability to continue to support clients if and when complications should arise. It’s an important element of the work, according to Sarnacki.

“We take the time to talk to a client about what’s going on,” says Sarnacki. “Sometimes we counsel them to communicate with the other person in a way that means they may avoid filing a motion and renewing the court case.”

These are especially delicate dealings – and important ones. When a court case is renewed it comes with a hefty price tag. And often more expensive than legal fees and court costs, are the emotional costs. An opposing party might be motivated to drag out the case for myriad reasons – personal vendetta, proximity, leverage. It’s imperative that these post-trial moves are expertly made, or the results can be devastating. Sarnacki believes in getting ahead of this and working on the front end to communicate what needs to be done. Sometimes mediation can save folks a lot of time, money, and heartache.

Defining a Win

When it comes to divorce, the most satisfactory win is usually simply moving on capably. It’s important to be efficient and clean, and avoid letting things get messy or contentious – even if that’s how it started. For Sarnacki, the timeline component is vitally important.

Almost everyone wants the quickest resolution possible. They want to get in, get out, and get it over with. And when you’re dealing with a ruptured family, the longer a case drags on, the more time there is for resentment to fester. A wound can only heal after the bleeding stops and the scar is allowed to form. Speed can be paramount.

If we can do things professionally that enable the healing to occur, we can preserve the family relationships that people will carry forward for the rest of their lives.

Longer cases also cost money and stress. Even decades later, scars can remain so deep to make an adult child feel like they can’t have both parents at their wedding.

“That is an awful thing to inflict on children whom you wanted to provide all of life’s best opportunities,” says Sarnacki. “If we can do things professionally that enable the healing to occur, we can preserve the family relationships that people will carry forward for the rest of their lives.”

This is where the skill and knowledge of a good divorce lawyer can make or break the trajectory of a person’s – or even a family’s – life. There’s a reason that Sarnacki Law is ranked among Michigan’s top providers for divorce and family law. Sarnacki knows how to fight fiercely when needed and work collaboratively for the ultimate betterment of their client. He sees the big picture, he knows the long game, he prioritizes the war over the battle – and the client over the war.

Moving On Up

If we zoom out to gain broader perspective, we can reframe the concept of divorce and change its position – and therefore its power – on our lives. This fresh lens can offer a life-altering shift in perspective – to understand that the end of one version of life can serve as the beautiful and fruitful beginning of a new one.

When Sarnacki meets his clients, they are typically in the throes of the worst times of their lives. They’re vulnerable, furious, sad – they’re in the thick of emotional turmoil and upheaval. Often they can’t yet see the forest for the trees. With the fresh lens in the back of his pocket, Sarnacki can meet them where they are, care for them in a sensitive state, advocate for them to ensure justice, and when the time is right, even offer them that fresh lens that can change it all.

Is it a skill that he’s developed sharply over the years? Is it a calling? Regardless, it’s something he takes great pride in.

Divorce is hard – there is no way around it. It’s a maelstrom of emotions, agendas, and the painful ache of growing beyond one version of oneself. Sarnacki lightens the load, offering integrity and a steady hand when clients need it the most. His job is to get his clients through the storm as swiftly and seamlessly as possible. His job is to hold their hand and help weather the storm and get them to that blue sky beginning at the end of it all.